Specified Donations
To support any of our programs please be sure to indicate the name of the program on the donation form.
Tribute Gifts: Gifts In Honour or In Memory
You can honor someone special or remember a loved one with your tribute gift. We will advise the honouree or the family of the tribute of your thoughtful gift.
Major Gifts
Major gifts are critical to our sustainability and resilience, they allow Abode Community Services to build its infrastructure and have expanded programs.
Planned Giving
Planned giving ensures that you can continue supporting Abode Community Services in the future without affecting your finances today. We recommend that you meet with a financial advisor and/or legal professional to prepare a bequest in your will, and to better understand the planned giving opportunities that are available for you to choose from.
In-Kind Gifts
We appreciate you thinking of us with a gift in kind, we solicit and accept gifts that are consistent with our mission and that support our core programs, as well as special projects. For a list of items we may need please contact our office.